
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Conventional Arms Transfers
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Cooperation between States in Weather Modifications
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Context of the Programme Approach
françaisfra-000Guidelines for Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Context of the Programme Approach
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Development of National Policies and Actions for Pollution Reduction
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Disembarkation of Refugees
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality
Englisheng-000guidelines for early repurchase
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Enhancing Programming Processes
Englisheng-000guidelines for European Technical Approvals
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Evaluation of the Women’s Dimension in UNFPA assisted Programmes
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Evaluators
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Flood Loss Prevention and Management in Developing Countries
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Further Planning and Suitable Follow-up in the Field of Youth
Englisheng-000Guidelines for governments contributing military personnel to...
Englisheng-000Guidelines for HIV/AIDS interventions in emergency settings
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Internal Control Standards
Englisheng-000Guidelines for international arms transfers in the context of General Assembly resolution 46/36 H of 6 December 1991
Englisheng-000Guidelines for International Cooperation Against the Evasion and Avoidance of Taxes
Englisheng-000Guidelines for International Investment
Englisheng-000guidelines for international transfers of dual-use goods and technologies and high technology with military applications
Englisheng-000Guidelines for interviewing unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents and preparing social histories
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Medical Doctors concerning Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in relation to Detention and Imprisonment
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric Services
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Englisheng-000Guidelines for National Programmes of Action in Implementation of the Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region
Englisheng-000Guidelines for National Unification
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers
Englisheng-000Guidelines for nursing management of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Programme Support Document
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Public Information Components in United Nations Peacekeeping and Other Field Missions
françaisfra-000Guidelines for Public Information Components in United Nations Peacekeeping and Other Field Missions
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Radionuclides in Food following Accidental Nuclear Contamination for Use in International Trade
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Rural Centre Planning
Englisheng-000guidelines for schedules of chemicals
Englisheng-000Guidelines for sensitive missile-relevant transfers
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Standard Operating Procedures
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Natural Tropical Forests
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Activities of National and Local Urban Forums
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Assessment of Wastes or Other Matter that may be considered for Dumping
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the collection of environment data
Englisheng-000guidelines for the computerization of the administration of criminal justice
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Conduct of Global Business
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Conduct of United Nations Inquiries into Allegations of Massacres
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water to Minimize the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organism and Pathogens
Deutschdeu-000Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects
Englisheng-000guidelines for the definitions of managed objects
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Designation of Special Areas and the Identification of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the development of a national AIDS prevention and control programme
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Development of Organizations of Disabled Persons
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Development of the University’s Training Role
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Disposal of Offshore Installations at Sea
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the Period Ending in 2000
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Effective Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of National Coordinating Committees on Disability or Similar Bodies
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the establishment of national testing programmes and laboratories for drugs of abuse in body fluids
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Women’s Dimension in Fund-assisted Programmes
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Export of Nuclear Material, Equipment and Technology
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the External Security Policy of the Andean Community
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Formulation of a Policy Framework for Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the implementation of the Management Development Programme
Englisheng-000guidelines for the institutional and clinical management of HIV-infected prisoners and those with AIDS
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Liquidation of Field Missions
françaisfra-000Guidelines for the Liquidation of Field Missions
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Management of Plutonium
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Packaging and Storage of Pesticides
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Plan of Action of the XVII Inter-American Conference
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the prevention and control of organized crime
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the prevention and suppression of the smuggling of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals on ships engaged in international maritime traffic
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime
Englisheng-000guidelines for the prevention of urban crime
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Promotion of Non-handicapping Physical Environments for Disabled Persons
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized Personal Data Files
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Review of Policies and Procedures concerning Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Seminar on the Role of the Latin American and Caribbean Media in the International Campaign against Apartheid
Englisheng-000Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-related Dual-use Equipment, Materials, Software and Related Technology
Englisheng-000guidelines for transport and preparation for shipment of live wild animals and plants
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Troop-Contributing Countries
Englisheng-000Guidelines for troop contributors
Englisheng-000Guidelines for UNFPA Support to Family Planning Programmes
Englisheng-000Guidelines for UNICEF Celebrity Supporters
Englisheng-000Guidelines for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
françaisfra-000Guidelines for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Englisheng-000Guidelines for Use of the Standard Form concerning Requests for Return or Restitution
Deutschdeu-000Guidelines International Network
Englisheng-000Guidelines International Network
Englisheng-000guidelines of arms limitation and disarmament
Englisheng-000Guidelines of Best Agricultural Practice to Optimize Fertilizer Use
Englisheng-000Guidelines of Places of Refuge for Ships in Need of Assistance
Englisheng-000Guidelines of the Committee for the conduct of its work
françaisfra-000Guidelines of the Committee for the conduct of its work
Englisheng-000Guidelines of the implementation of the Macao Plan of Action on Ageing for Asia and the Pacific
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Access to Environmental Information and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Aid and Environment
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Banned and Severely Restricted Chemicals
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Commodity Distribution
Englisheng-000guidelines on conditionality
Englisheng-000Guidelines on construction of core indicators - Monitoring the Declaration of commitment on HIV/AIDS
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Contraception
Englisheng-000Guidelines on conventional arms control/limitation and disarmament, with particular emphasis on consolidation of peace in the context of General Assembly resolution 51/45 N
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Corrective Action
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Crop Residue Data
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Detention of Asylum-Seekers
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Disaster Mitigation
Englisheng-000Guidelines on environmental pollution monitoring systems
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Establishing and Developing National Coordinating Committees on Disability
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Evaluation and Care of Victims of Trauma and Violence
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the Event of a Maritime Accident
Englisheng-000Guidelines on gender-related persecution
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Good Analytical Practice
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Good Labelling Practices for Pesticides
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Human Rights and the Fight against Terrorism
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Integrating Women’s Concerns in Development Planning
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Intenational Humanitarian Law for Forces Undertaking United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Englisheng-000Guidelines on International Agricultural Adjustment
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Management for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Monitoring and Evaluation
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Policies and Procedures in Dealing with Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Project Formulation
Englisheng-000Guidelines on promoting public awareness of human resources development
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Refugee Children
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Refugee Children at Risk
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Risk Management and Accident Prevention in the Chemical Industry
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Shared Natural Resources
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Statistics of Tangible Assets
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Sterilization and High-level Disinfection Methods Effective against Human Immunodefficiency Virus
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Allocation of Responsibilities to Seek the Successful Resolution of Stowaway Cases
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Development of Comprehensive National Policies on Ageing
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the development of environmental pollution control legislation
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Disposal of Surplus Pesticides and Pesticide Containers
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the International Inspectorate
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Protection Aspects of Voluntary Repatriation
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Protection of Refugee Women
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Role and Effectiveness of the Resident Coordinator System
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Role of National Meteorologies and Hydrological Services in the Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Treatment of Persons Rescued at Sea
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief
Englisheng-000Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United Nations Humanitarian Activities in Complex Emergencies
Englisheng-000Guidelines on Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum
françaisfra-000Guidelines on Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum
Englisheng-000guidelines on vertical restraints
Englisheng-000guidelines on voyage planning
Englisheng-000Guideline SOPs
Englisheng-000Guidelines to Facilitate Full International Implementation of paragraphs 24, 25 and 27 of Security Council resolution 687
Englisheng-000Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations
Englisheng-000Guidelines to the Process of Negotiations
Englisheng-000guide line tensioner
Englisheng-000guideline tensioner
Englisheng-000guide line tensioning unit
Englisheng-000guide-line trap
Englisheng-000guideline value
Englisheng-000guide link
Englisheng-000guide lip
Englisheng-000guide lug
bokmålnob-000Gui de Malesec
Englisheng-000guide map
Englisheng-000guide margin
italianoita-000guide margini
Englisheng-000guide mark
Englisheng-000guide marker
Englisheng-000guide marks
Englisheng-000guide mechanism
Englisheng-000guide medium
Englisheng-000guide melody
Englisheng-000guide member
Englisheng-000guide message
Deutschdeu-000Guide Michelin
françaisfra-000Guide Michelin
Englisheng-000guide microscope
Englisheng-000guide mill
Englisheng-000guide mineral
Englisheng-000guide missle
françaisfra-000guide mondial des minorités ethniques
Old Cornishoco-000guiden
svenskaswe-000guiden Anpassad uppgift
svenskaswe-000Guiden Anslut till projektor
svenskaswe-000guiden Återställ filer och mappar
svenskaswe-000guiden ATL Pipeline Component
françaisfra-000guide nautique
danskdan-000Guiden Brugerdefineret opgave
svenskaswe-000Guiden Dela mapp inom domän
svenskaswe-000Guiden Delegering
danskdan-000Guiden Deling af mappe på domæne
Englisheng-000guide needle
danskdan-000Guiden Eksempeldata
danskdan-000Guiden Eksporter XML
Englisheng-000guide nesting
Englisheng-000guide net
svenskaswe-000guiden Förbered automatisk systemåterställning
danskdan-000Guiden Forberedelse af automatisk systemgenoprettelse
danskdan-000Guiden Gendannelse af filer og mapper
danskdan-000guiden Hjælp til handicappede
danskdan-000Guiden Importer XML
danskdan-000guiden Initialisering af TPM
danskdan-000guiden Installation af Active Directory
danskdan-000guiden Installation af netværksprinter
svenskaswe-000Guiden Installera Active Directory
svenskaswe-000Guiden Installera nätverksskrivare
svenskaswe-000Guiden Kalibrera högtalare
danskdan-000guiden Kalibrering af højttalere
danskdan-000Guiden Konfiguration til Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office-klient
svenskaswe-000Guiden Konfigurera bildskärm
svenskaswe-000guiden Länka datakällor
danskdan-000Guiden Lyd- og videojustering
danskdan-000Guiden Masseimport
svenskaswe-000guiden Massimport
danskdan-000Guiden Microsoft CRM-databaseprofil
danskdan-000guiden Mikrofon
danskdan-000guiden Mini-Installation
svenskaswe-000guiden Miniinstallation
svenskaswe-000Guiden Ny anslutning
danskdan-000guiden Ny forbindelse
danskdan-000guiden Opgavestyring
danskdan-000Guiden Opret installationselement
danskdan-000Guiden Opret installationspakke
Englisheng-000guide nose
Englisheng-000guide nozzle
svenskaswe-000Guiden Säkerhetskonfiguration
svenskaswe-000guiden Säkerhetskopiera filer och mappar
danskdan-000Guiden Sammenkæd datakilder
svenskaswe-000guiden Schemaläggaren
svenskaswe-000guiden Sekretess
danskdan-000Guiden Sikkerhedskopiering af filer og mapper
danskdan-000guiden Skærmkonfiguration
danskdan-000guiden Synkronisering
danskdan-000Guiden Tilslut
svenskaswe-000guiden Trådlöst lokalt nätverk
danskdan-000guiden Trådløst netværk
Englisheng-000guide number
Englisheng-000guide nut
Universal Networking Languageart-253guide(obj>human)
Universal Networking Languageart-253guide(obj>missile)
Universal Networking Languageart-253guide(obj>organization)
Universal Networking Languageart-253guide(obj>tourist)
Universal Networking Languageart-253guide(obj>vehicle)
Englisheng-000guide of rod
Englisheng-000guide of the blind
Englisheng-000guide on
Englisheng-000Guide on the Legal Aspects of Restructuring Ownership Forms in Industry
Englisheng-000guide opening
Englisheng-000guide pad
Englisheng-000guide pass
Englisheng-000guide passage
Englisheng-000guide path
Englisheng-000guidepath design
Englisheng-000guidepath loop
Englisheng-000guidepath strip
Englisheng-000guide peg
Englisheng-000guide piece
Englisheng-000guide pier
Englisheng-000guide pile
Englisheng-000guide pillar
Englisheng-000guide pillars
Englisheng-000guide pin
Englisheng-000guide pin bushing
Englisheng-000guide pin bushing boss
Englisheng-000guide pin socket
Englisheng-000guide pipe
Englisheng-000guide piston
Englisheng-000guide plane
Englisheng-000guide plate
Englisheng-000guide plate die
Englisheng-000guide plug
Englisheng-000guide plunger
Englisheng-000Guide Plus
Nederlandsnld-000Guide Plus
Englisheng-000guide point
Englisheng-000guide pole
Englisheng-000guide position
Englisheng-000guide positional error
Englisheng-000guide positively
Englisheng-000guide post
Universal Networking Languageart-253guidepost
Englisheng-000guide-post bushing
Englisheng-000guide post die
Englisheng-000guide post typo die

