
Englisheng-000open drop mask
Englisheng-000open drug scenes
Englisheng-000open dual economics
françaisfra-000Open du Brésil
françaisfra-000Open du Japon
portuguêspor-000O Pêndulo de Foucault
françaisfra-000Open du Mexique
Englisheng-000open dump
Englisheng-000open dump body
Englisheng-000open dumping
Englisheng-000open dumping of refuse
Englisheng-000open dump pollution
Deutschdeu-000Open Dynamics Engine
Englisheng-000Open Dynamics Engine
suomifin-000Open Dynamics Engine
françaisfra-000Open Dynamics Engine
русскийrus-000Open Dynamics Engine
Englisheng-000open e
Kajin M̧ajeļmah-000opene
Englisheng-000open eave
Englisheng-000open eaves
Englisheng-000Open eBook File
Englisheng-000open economics
Englisheng-000Open economy
Englisheng-000open economy
Englisheng-000Opened by
Englisheng-000opened coil
Englisheng-000opened contract
Englisheng-000opened-door annunciator
Englisheng-000OpenEdge Advanced Business Language
Englisheng-000OpenEdge Architect Source Code File
Englisheng-000opened impedance
Englisheng-000opened-out hole
Englisheng-000opened seam
Englisheng-000opened system
Englisheng-000opened the meeting
Deutschdeu-000Open Education
Englisheng-000open education
češtinaces-000Open Educational Resources
Deutschdeu-000Open Educational Resources
españolspa-000Open Educational Resources
Englisheng-000Open educational resources
Englisheng-000opened-up crack
Englisheng-000opened wide
Englisheng-000opened-window annunciator
Englisheng-000open electrolytic circuit
Englisheng-000open embedding
Englisheng-000open emitter
Englisheng-000open-emitter output
Englisheng-000open employment
Englisheng-000open/empty space
Nederlandsnld-000open en bloot
русскийrus-000Open Encyclopedia Project
Englisheng-000open end
Englisheng-000open-end agreement
Englisheng-000open-end antenna
Englisheng-000open-end auger
Englisheng-000open-end basket
Englisheng-000open-end bond
Englisheng-000open-end bucket
Englisheng-000open end class
Englisheng-000open-end class
Englisheng-000open-end classification
Englisheng-000open-end commercial
Englisheng-000open-end company
Englisheng-000open-end concrete block
Englisheng-000open-end contract
Englisheng-000openend contract
Englisheng-000open-end credit
Englisheng-000open ended
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes and their Disposal
Englisheng-000Open-ended ad hoc expert group on a global financial mechanism
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad Hoc Expert Group on the consideration of the content of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Forests
Englisheng-000open-ended ad hoc working group
Englisheng-000Open-Ended Ad Hoc Working Group Established by Resolution 34/101
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety
Englisheng-000Open-Ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States
Englisheng-000Open-ended ad hoc working group on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad hoc Working Group on the Funding Strategy for UNDP
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on the revitalization of the General Assembly
Englisheng-000Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on the United Nations Funding Strategy
Englisheng-000open-ended ad hoc working group to develop a sustainable funding strategy
Englisheng-000open-ended architecture
Englisheng-000open-ended authorization
Englisheng-000open ended branch
Englisheng-000open-ended characteristic
Englisheng-000open-ended class
Englisheng-000open ended coil
Englisheng-000open-ended coil
Englisheng-000open-ended configuration
Englisheng-000open-ended contract
Englisheng-000open-ended design
Englisheng-000open-ended Dewar
Englisheng-000Open-ended Enlarged Bureau Meeting
Englisheng-000open ended evolution
Englisheng-000open-ended expansion
Englisheng-000Open-Ended Formal Working Group on Personnel Questions
Englisheng-000open-ended grants
Englisheng-000Open-ended Group of the Friends of the Chairman
Englisheng-000Open-Ended High-level Working Group of the General Assembly
Englisheng-000Open-ended High-level Working Group on the Strengthening of the United Nations System
Englisheng-000Open-Ended High Level Working Group on the Strengthening of the UN System
Universal Networking Languageart-253open-ended(icl>adj)
Universal Networking Languageart-253open-ended(icl>state)
Englisheng-000open-ended informal consultations
Englisheng-000open-ended intergovernmental expert group
Englisheng-000Open-ended Intergovernmental Group of Ministers or Their Representatives on International Environmental Governance
Englisheng-000Open-ended Intergovernmental Meeting of Scientific Experts on Biological Diversity
Englisheng-000Open-ended International Meeting of Experts on the Special Needs and Requirements of Developing Countries with Low Forest Cover and Unique Types of Forests
Englisheng-000Open-ended Intersessional Meeting on the Multi-year Programme of Work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010
Englisheng-000Open-ended inter-sessional working group on a draft optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on involvement of children in armed conflicts
Englisheng-000open ended library
Englisheng-000open-ended library
Englisheng-000open-ended line
Englisheng-000open-ended line drive
Englisheng-000Open-ended panel of the General Assembly on commodities
Englisheng-000open-ended polygon
Englisheng-000open-ended program
Englisheng-000open-ended projects
Englisheng-000open ended question
Englisheng-000open-ended question
Englisheng-000open ended questionnaire
Englisheng-000open-ended search
Englisheng-000open ended sequence
Englisheng-000open-ended sequence
Englisheng-000open ended spanner
Englisheng-000open-ended spanner
Englisheng-000open-ended spline
Englisheng-000open ended straight draw
Englisheng-000Open-ended Sub-Committee on Good Neighbourliness
Englisheng-000open-ended symbol system
Englisheng-000open ended system
Englisheng-000open-ended system
Englisheng-000Open-Ended Task Force on Documentation
Englisheng-000open-ended trap
Englisheng-000open-ended tubing squeeze method
Englisheng-000open-ended warrant
Englisheng-000open-ended waveguide
Englisheng-000Open-ended working group established to elaborate policy guidelines on structural adjustment programmes and economic, social and cultural rights
Englisheng-000Open-ended working group established to monitor and review progress made in the promotion and implementation of the right to development
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group of all Participating Governments of the United Nations Development Programme regarding the Preparations for the Fourth Programming Cycle, 1987-1991
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group of the Commission to examine the question of a draft optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group on an Agenda for Development
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group on An Agenda for Peace
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group on an optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Englisheng-000open-ended working group on oceans issues
Englisheng-000Open-Ended Working Group on the Question of Equitable Representation and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultations with Non-governmental Organizations
Englisheng-000Open-Ended Working Group on the Revision of WFP’s General and Financial Regulations
Englisheng-000Open-ended working group on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
Englisheng-000open-ended working group on the right to development
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group on the Rules of Procedure
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group on Tracing Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons
Englisheng-000Open-ended Working Group to Negotiate an International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace in a Timely and Reliable Manner Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons
Englisheng-000open-ended workpiece
Englisheng-000open-ended zip
Englisheng-000open-ended zipper
Englisheng-000open end engineer’s wrench
Englisheng-000open-end forging rolls
Englisheng-000open end fund
Universal Networking Languageart-253open-end fund
češtinaces-000open-end fund
Englisheng-000open-end fund
Englisheng-000open-end grant
Englisheng-000open-end hole
Englisheng-000open end interview
Universal Networking Languageart-253open-end investment company
Englisheng-000open-end investment company
Englisheng-000open-end investment fund
Englisheng-000open-end investment trust
Englisheng-000open-end lease
Englisheng-000openend lease
Englisheng-000open-end leasing
Englisheng-000Open End Licence
Englisheng-000open-end line
Englisheng-000open-end management company
Englisheng-000open end method
Englisheng-000open-end method
Englisheng-000open-end mortgage
Englisheng-000open-end mortgage bond
Englisheng-000open-end mutual fund
Englisheng-000open end of pipe
Englisheng-000open end of tubing
Englisheng-000open-end pile
Englisheng-000open-end pillar method
Englisheng-000open-end pipe pile
Englisheng-000open-end program
Englisheng-000open-end reimbursement grant
Englisheng-000open-end research
Englisheng-000open-end roll
Englisheng-000open end socket
Englisheng-000open end spanner
Englisheng-000open-end spanner
Englisheng-000open end spinning
Englisheng-000open-end transcription
Englisheng-000open-end trust
Englisheng-000open-end type washer
Englisheng-000open-end well
Englisheng-000open end wrench
Englisheng-000open-end wrench
Englisheng-000open end yarn
Englisheng-000Open Energy Market
Englisheng-000open enmity
Englisheng-000open enrolment
Deutschdeu-000Open Enterprise Server
svenskaswe-000Open Enterprise Server
Deutschdeu-000Open Environment
Englisheng-000open environment
Universal Networking Languageart-253opener
Englisheng-000opener boot
Englisheng-000opener draw rod
Englisheng-000Open’er Festival
polskipol-000Open’er Festival
Universal Networking Languageart-253opener(icl>hand_tool>thing)
Universal Networking Languageart-253opener(icl>person)
Universal Networking Languageart-253opener(icl>person>thing,equ>undoer)
Universal Networking Languageart-253opener(icl>start>thing)
Englisheng-000opener plant
Englisheng-000opener shank
Maltimlt-000opener ta flixkun
Englisheng-000open escape route
Englisheng-000Open Estonia Foundation
Englisheng-000open estuary
françaisfra-000Open européen
Englisheng-000open evaporation system
Englisheng-000open excavation
Englisheng-000Open Exclusive
Englisheng-000open exhaust
Englisheng-000open exhibition
Englisheng-000open explosively
Englisheng-000OpenEXR Bitmap
Englisheng-000OpenEXR Image
Englisheng-000OpenEXR Image Format
Englisheng-000open eye
Englisheng-000open eyed
Englisheng-000open-eyed astonishment
Universal Networking Languageart-253open-eyed(icl>adj,equ>argus-eyed)
Englisheng-000open (eyes)
Englisheng-000open eyes
Englisheng-000open eyes tọ
Englisheng-000open eyes wide
Englisheng-000open eyes widely
Englisheng-000open fabric structure
Englisheng-000open face
Englisheng-000open-face case
Englisheng-000open-face crown
Englisheng-000openface crown
Englisheng-000open faced
Englisheng-000open-faced vacuum frame
Englisheng-000open-face gold crown
Englisheng-000open face mast
Englisheng-000open-face sandwich
Englisheng-000open-face shield
Englisheng-000Open failed
Englisheng-000open failure

